Comparison Between Microsoft Windows And Mac Os Rating: 4,5/5 3113 reviews

Windows: Which OS Really Is the Best? When it comes to performance, usability, security, and specific tasks, which of the two leading desktop operating systems reigns supreme? Well, while this wasn't always the case, you can install the Windows operating system on a Mac. Remember, the Mac is just a PC with Mac OS installed on it. As much as Apple prefers the Mac to be thought of as something different than a PC, it's never been more similar.

Multimedia, Gaming, and Productivity Applications

Both Linux and Windows OS are very rich in multimedia applications, though setting up sound and video options in older versions of Linux can be difficult for some users. The main advantage of Linux is that most of the multimedia applications are freely available, while in the case of Windows, users may have to pay a hefty amount to get the software although many Open Source/Free versions are often available. Moreover, if anyone buys a copy of Windows on a CD-ROM, they do not get any application software with it, other than bundled Microsoft software. But if the same person buys a copy of Linux on a CD-ROM, it typically comes with a lot of free application software, such as Open Office, a complete free Office suite including Spreadsheets, Presentation etc. A new computer with Windows pre-installed may have additional application software but that is totally up to the PC vendor. But, each Linux distribution comes in multiple flavors; the more expensive versions come with more application software.

A major attraction of Windows is the library of games available for purchase. A majority of games support Windows and are released first for the Windows platform. Some of these games can be run on Linux with a compatibility layer like Wine, although Wine is difficult to set up and require different versions of it for various games. Others, and especially more modern games that rely on proprietary delivery systems, copy protection, Windows dependencies, or advanced acceleration features, may fail in Linux environment. Though there are exceptions, such as id Software's Doom and Quake. When a developer chooses to write graphics code in OpenGL instead of DirectX, Linux ports can become much easier.

The video below features a comparison of Linux-based Ubuntu 12 and Windows 8.

Threats and Problems

Every Windows user has faced security and stability issues. Since Windows is the most widely used OS, hackers, spammers target Windows frequently. Consumer versions of Windows were originally designed for ease-of-use on a single-user PC without a network connection and did not have security features built in. Microsoft releases security patches through its Windows Update service approximately once a month although critical updates are made available at shorter intervals when necessary.
Many times users of Windows OS face the “BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH”, caused by the failure of the system to respond, and eventually the user has to manually restart the PC . This is very frustrating for the user since they may lose valuable data.

On the other hand, Linux is very stable and more secure than Windows. As Linux is community driven, developed through people collaboration and monitored constantly by the developers from every corner of the earth, any new problem raised can be solved within few hours and the necessary patch can be ready at the same time. Also Linux is based on the UNIX architecture which is a multi user OS, so it is much more stable than single user OS Windows.

Cost Comparison

Windows is much more costly in organizational implementation purpose. As Windows Home is a single user OS, so for each PC, the organization needs to purchase a site license copy of Windows, which can be costly. Although, in developing countries and ones with oppressive governments, non-profits can receive a free site license from Microsoft. Where as for the implementation of Linux based solutions the organization only needs to obtain one copy. And as it can be freely distributed, the same copy can be used in all the 50 employees’ workstation. However, setup and support services may need to be purchased on an as-needed basis.

Difference Between Microsoft Windows Mac Os X And Linux

Current prices for some of these products are available on

Market Share and User Base

According to the market research data of September 2007, on 92.63% of the world’s PCs, Windows is running, while only 0.8% PC users use Linux. The Home users, Multimedia enthusiasts mainly used Windows, where as for serious use, server application, Corporation servers are running on Linux. Irrespective of the GUI, many users find it is very difficult to use Linux as compared to Windows and so the appeal of Linux is very limited to common people. Also for licensing agreement with Microsoft, various PC vendors are entitled to bundle Windows OS with their PC. And for this Windows gain the initial market popularity over Linux. Though these days many PC vendor such as DELL, HP started to give Linux as the preinstalled OS to cut the cost of their PC system.

According to latest IDC report, Windows Server market is gaining popularity over Linux based Server. The annual rate at which Linux is growing in the x86 server space has fallen from around 53 percent in 2003 (45 percent globally), when Windows Server growth was in the mid-20 percent range, to a negative 4 percent growth (less than 10 percent globally) in calendar year 2006, IDC Quarterly Server Tracker figures show. Over the same time period, Windows has continued to report positive annual growth, outpacing the total growth rate in the x 86 markets by more than 4 percent in 2006, indicating that Linux has actually lost market share to Windows Server over this time. Linux servers now represent 12.7 percent of the overall server market while Windows server comprised 38.8 percent of all server revenue in Q1 of 2007.[1]

The main reason is that, while Linux Servers are looking for high performance computing and web serving, but Windows is apparently adopted on a much broader basis.


Windows first released as a part of Disk operating System(DOS) in the year of 1985. At that time Apple’sMacintosh was a very popular OS, as it introduced GUI to the world. So to increase the popularity of DOS, Bill Gates’s Microsoft bundled Windows 1 with the DOS at that time. But until Windows 3 which was released in 1990, achieve the success in the GUI based OS market. And with the release of Windows 95, in 1995, Microsoft became a household name in the OS market. From that time on, each Personal Computer comes with Windows OS as the preinstalled OS. The biggest achievement for Windows OS is that it is very user friendly, easy to understand, and it has the versatility to run with almost every different kind of Personal Computers.

Linux is based on the Multiuser OS UNIX, and it can be distributed freely. It is the brainchild of Mr, Linus Torvalds. Typically all underlying source code can be freely modified and used. Linux Kernel was first released for public use in 1991. The biggest achievement for Linux is that it is a multiuser OS and the Security and stability is better than Windows.


Much like the smartphone market is divided between iOS and Android, so too are personal computers with Apple vs Microsoft. Each brand has garnered a loyal following over the past few decades, with many buyers citing the differences between systems with ferocious passion. The question remains: Windows or Mac? The battle of the brands will likely persist, but what drives such dedication?

If you’re in the middle of deciding which one to purchase, a rational look at a Mac vs PC comparison would be a prudent exercise.

Comparison Between Microsoft Windows And Mac Os Use A Interface

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The Main Difference Between Mac and PC

The fundamental difference between Mac and PC extends to both hardware and operating system software. The hardware, or the physical components of the system, has become closer to parity over the past few years, taking advantage of all the advances in technology. However, Apple assembles and sells its own hardware to customers, whereas Microsoft licenses its Windows operating system to other vendors, such as Dell, who make their own hardware. Purchase office 365 for mac.

The real-life implication here is that Apple has a higher degree of control over how its systems look physically, ensuring its legendary design standards are upheld. The company also controls its system’s operational environment. On the downside, all this attention to detail comes at a price, which answers the question: Why are Macs so expensive?

Alternatively, Windows users have access to a wider variety of hardware configurations, including all the top performers, which makes it the best OS for gaming. However, once you log into the operating system, both Windows or Mac become much more particular.

Apple vs Microsoft for the best operating system

To make a long story short, the most noticeable difference between Windows vs Mac operating systems is their interface. Generally speaking, macOS is perceived to be a more simple, streamlined, and beautiful while Windows is more complex and feature-rich, with more customization options. Both PC vs Mac competitors have made strides to be accessible and approachable to all, however it’s worth noting some of the more granular differences:

  • The design style for Mac or PC differs a lot. Where macOS uses soft edges and a consistent application across all apps, Windows is more choppy, with UI that can often change between programs.

  • All Apple operating systems favor the Dock to access common shortcuts and apps, which is a persistent bar at the bottom of the screen, whereas Windows uses Start Menu and Taskbar

  • Navigating the hard drive for files in Windows is done in File Explorer, a much more complicated and potentially feature-rich version of macOS Finder

  • Mac operating systems have a simple integration with iOS devices using the Sidecar software as well as good old iMessage and AirDrop

  • Windows has a voice-activated assistant, Cortana, while Apple operating systems have Siri. Cortana is about a year older, with a few more features, however Apple iPhone users will appreciate the same assistant across all their macOS and iOS devices.

  • While Windows is generally known to be the best OS for gaming, this is due to the hardware and developer support rather than the operating system itself, with Mac slowly starting to catch up

The high-level difference between Mac vs PC often comes down to a matter of personal taste, however it could be argued that macOS is a more accessible experience overall, especially for casual users.

Mac vs PC comparison of security features

Mac With Windows Os

Over the years, Windows has seen a much larger frequency of malware, ransomware, and virus attacks than macOS. Most of it is due to the system’s innate vulnerabilities, but also to the sheer number of users that makes it a more attractive platform to attack.

Both Mac or PC operating systems have measures in place to combat such attacks, which are continually updated to keep users secure. However, professionals still recommend using third-party antivirus software on top of built-in functions to ensure overall security.

How else does Mac vs PC compare from a security and stability standpoints:

  • Generally, macOS is seen to be safer because Apple has full control of both hardware and software, and thus could easily implement new security features

  • Similarly, Apple has a simple and thorough AppleCare program in place to help their users with any hardware problems

  • Newer Apple devices feature default Touch ID support for accessing the system, which further safeguards devices from fraudulent logins (big problem in the MacBook vs PC battle).

Despite the disparities between PC vs Mac, it’s important to remember that neither system is going to be 100% safe from all malicious attacks — that said, Apple users are protected somewhat by a lower frequency of attacks in general.

The best operating system for software

Both Windows vs Mac operating systems come out-of-the-box with their own software to help users make the most out of their devices. From word processing to spreadsheets and calculators, built-in software can manage most of the day-to-day tasks.

However, as we know, third-party apps unlock new levels of productivity and functionality. This is especially important when users are wondering: How long do Macs last? Both Mac vs Windows have countless options available to extend their usefulness and life — so many that it often makes discovery time-consuming and confusing.

If we’re comparing PC vs Mac for software, Apple users definitely have the advantage of using Setapp — an all-in-one subscription service that grants access to over 150 Mac apps to help users enrich their digital lives. Among those apps are lots of gems that should be part of any new macOS installation.

For example, CleanMyMac X is an essential optimization tool, which helps speed up your macOS and maintain its efficient use of resources. In just a few clicks, CleanMyMac X will run through a series of common and uncommon scripts to free up storage space, optimize settings, and have everything run smoothly. Users can also manage their privacy settings and caches for web browsers, and permanently delete any apps with all their associated files.

When it’s time to work, Ulysses is one of the best word processors around. The clean and simple interface lends itself well to high-focus writing, with plenty of tools available to have documents look perfect.

Use Ulysses to file-sync automatically with other Apple devices and export documents in any format you need. The productivity overview panel also tracks word count and other helpful statistics in real-time to keep you motivated. The only thing Windows has against Ulysses is Microsoft Office, sold at a much higher price point.

Difference Between Windows And Mac

Navigating around macOS is fairy easy from the get-go, but apps like Bartender extend that functionality by allowing you to fully customize the menu bar. Users can quickly consolidate or expand their menu icons as they see fit, depending on whether they prefer a clean look or a full view of their menu items.

Bartender’s interface is unobtrusive and doesn’t distract from Apple’s overall look and feel. There’s even a search function to find any menu bar item quickly and easily.

This idea is taken one step further with One Switch, a menu bar integration which grants access to all of the common toggles within macOS. In one click, users can use switches such as Dark Mode, Do Not Disturb, desktop cleanup, and headphone selection. One Switch saves time and friction experienced when trying to dig into Apple’s system preferences to complete the task and makes users far more productive.

These are just a few of the numerous apps available on Mac operating systems through Setapp, which is what makes macOS much more appealing that Windows.

Comparison Between Microsoft Windows And Mac Os Update

Best of all, the apps mentioned above are available for a free seven-day trial through Setapp. Simply sign up on the website to start. Now that the research to compare Mac vs Windows is complete, you should give each one a try. Warning: If you start with macOS you might not want to switch at all.